Press and media
Visiting and Mailing Address
Hallands kulturhistoriska museum
Fästningen 1, 432 44 Varberg
Phone (switchboard): + 46 (0)340-838 30
E-mail: info@museumhalland.se
Image request
If you need images not displayed on this webpage please contact
Communications/Press contact
Ulrika Hagren
+46 340-828 41, +46 729-95 55 41
Exhibition producer / photographer / social media
Charlotta Sandelin
+46 340 – 828 40
The pictures on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Byline: Charlotta Sandelin/Hallands kulturhistoriska museum unless otherwise stated.
You can use the images free of charge according with: Lag (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk.
For information and pictures concerning archeology and building preservation please contact Halland’s Cultral Heritage
The Bocksten Man - Body and reconstruction
The Bocksten Fins - Clothes and leather objects
Varberg fortress and Halland museum of cultural history
Museum objects
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On Digitalt Museum there is a vast selection of photographs, pictures of objects and articles.